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1 HappyWarrior  Dec 17, 2014 10:53:50am

Too late. Sigh. I’ve heard of this case before CL. Fucking typical of the region and era. 14 years old.

2 Aunty Entity Dragon  Dec 17, 2014 2:37:18pm

Holy shit. Members of the family of the suspected actual killer…from a local prominant white family, actually sat on the coroner’s jury that pressed the charges against the kid.

Fucking South Carolina.

Then again, it looks like we have a lynching case right here in North Carolina that the local LE tried to cover up…

3 sffilk  Dec 17, 2014 2:48:44pm

And this helps the young man how? He’s been dead 70 years and is unable to know that he’s been exonerated.

4 HappyWarrior  Dec 17, 2014 3:02:41pm

re: #3 sffilk

And this helps the young man how? He’s been dead 70 years and is unable to know that he’s been exonerated.

It’s probably some small consolation to his surviving family. Not that I disagree with your point though.

5 CuriousLurker  Dec 17, 2014 3:03:15pm

re: #2 Aunty Entity Dragon

Then again, it looks like we have a lynching case right here in North Carolina that the local LE tried to cover up…

Holy crap. Definitely sounds like a lynching. WTF?

re: #3 sffilk

And this helps the young man how? He’s been dead 70 years and is unable to know that he’s been exonerated.

Obviously, it doesn’t help him at all and I don’t think anyone in the article I linked to claimed it did, however it said that his family has “spent the past several years doggedly trying to get the case re-opened because they believe Stinney was forced into a confession by police. ” If it gives them some closure to have his name cleared, then at least it has helped someone.

6 HSkol  Dec 17, 2014 3:59:20pm

re: #5 CuriousLurker

Depressing; but, yes, that his family members of today might find any closure at all is at least something.

7 Skip Intro  Dec 17, 2014 4:54:21pm

I assume UpChuck will be soliciting information about Stinney’s gang background and the criminal records of his parents soon.

8 The Vicious Babushka  Dec 17, 2014 4:59:50pm
9 William Barnett-Lewis  Dec 17, 2014 9:47:05pm

Now they skip the pretense of a trial and have the cop kill him on the street.

10 sffilk  Dec 18, 2014 6:45:01am

re: #5 CuriousLurker

Holy crap. Definitely sounds like a lynching. WTF?

Obviously, it doesn’t help him at all and I don’t think anyone in the article I linked to claimed it did, however it said that his family has “spent the past several years doggedly trying to get the case re-opened because they believe Stinney was forced into a confession by police. ” If it gives them some closure to have his name cleared, then at least it has helped someone.

I’d agree with you on your last point.

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